Darknet Market Links 2025
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Site | Onion link | Short Link |
Atlas Market | atlasm4euuphzhuer3bdu5juoaltnrve76hlp3ygjz3gv5lhj7zu6jyd.onion | dark.pe/atlas |
Torzon Market | torzonoxqu4kibxr6yjxangdondtzupzba5hhdiakjdkczyiqhdmhgad.onion | dark.pe/torzon |
Elysium Market | ifyal75d37qg6mfcmvb4ns2gd56oapi2kxniloxvkckoxjzdr5m36gqd.onion | dark.pe/ely |
Vortex Market | bar47o4dyrhxgnsa5zg5pkis7ye6gxcqa6ndwys4i2kzmzkzgvqoghyd.onion | dark.pe/vor |
Sipulitie Market | sipulibrgxfqrenvihkschbrw4hp3wh3zllnzzdrudplpxt3own4s4id.onion | dark.pe/sipuli |
Abacus Market | abacus5m27pzz3i6cfh7cg7tjt43lkiur6gjqjrwym2avv4uvgfmabad.onion | dark.pe/aba |
Nexus Market | nexusaaso5kxt75bigvtixw63dot3mnthl3pwqxg4d6tlj5yfqjuviid.onion | dark.pe/nexus |
MGM Grand Market | duysanj6lge7vfis24r4zkqrvq6tq4xknajk2wdrne2wgx5hpr5c3tqd.onion | dark.pe/mgm |
City Market | wsptl3z7h2ul4da6rihyb4pwpu4ykcj5fc6cxutkkam72whkbt5i5byd.onion/ | dark.pe/city |
DarknetHub | dnhuboxyxgbhmnozl5j4wntoon56x423iteusfmbqwsdwl26gnqqy6id.onion | dark.pe/dhub |
Flugsvamp 4.0 | fs4isvbujof355wj3hhsqahpvmwwjaq3s4mac4yrufrl26pxbzqjvzid.onion | dark.pe/flug |
WeTheNorth Market | hn2paw7zwrep6fpbcuj6tko6sh2lfgcqgvutmocollu5qvefhdyudlid.onion | dark.pe/wtn |
GammaGoblin | mb2lgz4a5t2zw2odxkwcj6hr7zfvo3k34p7mehcz24fqvaetysbxgoqd.onion | dark.pe/gg |
Darknet Inside | dinsid4aauy5y2g7nvfsg6kr4d5j26os26diehfnnxyzexgvsw5htdad.onion | dark.pe/dinside |
The New York Times | nytimesn7cgmftshazwhfgzm37qxb44r64ytbb2dj3x62d2lljsciiyd.onion | dark.pe/tnyt |
BBC | bbcnewsd73hkzno2ini43t4gblxvycyac5aw4gnv7t2rccijh7745uqd.onion | dark.pe/bbc |
ProPublica | p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd.onion | dark.pe/propub |
Dutch National Police | tcecdnp2fhyxlcrjoyc2eimdjosr65hweut6y7r2u6b5y75yuvbkvfyd.onion | dark.pe/dnp |
CIA's Official Onion Site | ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion | dark.pe/coos |
USA's NCIDE Task Force | ncidetfs7banpz2d7vpndev5somwoki5vwdpfty2k7javniujekit6ad.onion | dark.pe/untf |
Recon | recon222tttn4ob7ujdhbn3s4gjre7netvzybuvbq2bcqwltkiqinhad.onion | dark.pe/recon |
Kilos | mlyusr6htlxsyc7t2f4z53wdxh3win7q3qpxcrbam6jf3dmua7tnzuyd.onion | dark.pe/kilos |
Darknet Trust | dntrustmuq5ccf3lygrnhsprpdliakq7r2ljsspczmdsslj5wl4teeid.onion | dark.pe/dtrust |
Phobos | phobosxilamwcg75xt22id7aywkzol6q6rfl2flipcqoc4e4ahima5id.onion | dark.pe/phobos |
DuckDuckGo | duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion | dark.pe/ddg |
pgp.fail | 42w2byx3xiw46mvzaugjn77yljuh3c74zbpq47xllqygncai4fes4wid.onion | dark.pe/pgpf |
Elude.in | eludemailxhnqzfmxehy3bk5guyhlxbunfyhkcksv4gvx6d3wcf6smad.onion | dark.pe/elin |
danwin1210.me | danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion | dark.pe/d1210 |
Mail2Tor | mail2torjgmxgexntbrmhvgluavhj7ouul5yar6ylbvjkxwqf6ixkwyd.onion | dark.pe/m2t |
Hot-Chilli | jabber.hot-chilli.net | dark.pe/hchilli |
Rise Up | vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion | dark.pe/rup |
CS.Email | csmail3thcskmzvjicww3qdkvrhb6pb5s7zjqtb3gdst6guby2stsiqd.onion | dark.pe/csmail |
ProtonMail | protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion | dark.pe/pmail |
Linx.do | linx4f75phtm63mxalb2wtspofcodku5lwofiyoupda4n4uc6cfjuzid.onion | dark.pe/linxdo |
Winx | hrpyqtpeueznvudzs7j4j7guvorl4uiinrbxzwxi6pv5ienbmwdzniad.onion | dark.pe/winx |
OnionLand | imageflutgtjxfrn.onion | dark.pe/oland |
Sluggers | uoxqi4lrfqztugili7zzgygibs4xstehf5hohtkpyqcoyryweypzkwid.onion | dark.pe/slugs |
Incognito | inco3jv3zuudwv2xunslkjq57iicosepewhku2woxfhxltreojtmo4yd.onion | dark.pe/inco |
Archetyp | 4pt4axjgzmm4ibmxplfiuvopxzf775e5bqseyllafcecryfthdupjwyd.onion | dark.pe/arch |
Vice City | vicea4n2uc2wv7falwwetgxzav4lv4bf3wqy7gbjkcp76b56svqz5tid.onion | dark.pe/vcity |
Bohemia Market | bohemdulnoma7x4x445e7sdsv6lcfxbl3fcwl2r2te5xe73zk5tvhrqd.onion | dark.pe/bohe |
Tor2Door | qgma4eviafgc73ttocqx4h74l7xccywplbqgjyp6yuqxqjwolfxziuid.onion | dark.pe/tor2d |
Liberty | liberty4mhc252jcz6acjndbotamlajtoo43qcmz4i62lc4b2ol4aeyd.onion | dark.pe/liber |
Cypher Market | 6c5qaeikz2ily2cujblubfzxawn2jte5aglovsnsjtfs6srlqimpikqd.onion | dark.pe/cypher |
DarkFox | darkfoxbvqvryrdinmzz5h4i4gpkvwpgxyuh65aj75dbifgakt6czwad.onion | dark.pe/dfox |
Hydra | hydraclubbioknikokex7njhwuahc2l67lfiz7z36md2jvopda7nchid.onion | dark.pe/hydra |
Darknet Bible | biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion | dark.pe/dbible |
XMR Guide | xmrguide25ibknxgaray5rqksrclddxqku3ggdcnzg4ogdi5qkdkd2yd.onion | dark.pe/xguide |
PsychonautWiki | vvedndyt433kopnhv6vejxnut54y5752vpxshjaqmj7ftwiu6quiv2ad.onion | dark.pe/pswiki |
PrivacyTools | www.privacy2zbidut4m4jyj3ksdqidzkw3uoip2vhvhbvwxbqux5xy5obyd.onion | dark.pe/ptools |
Hack Town | hacktowns3sba2xavxecm23aoocvzciaxirh3vekg2ovzdjgjxedfvqd.onion | dark.pe/htown |
Just Another Library | libraryfyuybp7oyidyya3ah5xvwgyx6weauoini7zyz555litmmumad.onion | dark.pe/jalib |
DarkLeaks | ejagycwejifelwxdbhbwhxiqe7vomhnqq4szi3dub76olwqc7qwf3fid.onion | dark.pe/dleaks |
LocalMonero | nehdddktmhvqklsnkjqcbpmb63htee2iznpcbs5tgzctipxykpj6yrid.onion | dark.pe/localm |
Agora Desk | 2jopbxfi2mrw6pfpmufm7smacrgniglr7a4raaila3kwlhlumflxfxad.onion | dark.pe/adesk |
Xchange.me | aa7oyok6dxgyedeteldaumqjernm5ai7dnpqayy3p4q7solc6dxi5vad.onion | dark.pe/xchan |
Kilos Darknet Story | rvm73cldah6tkn3bxek2x5ya47zh4iaisci42yvmlq5e6rdjafuhsbad.onion | dark.pe/kds |
Captain Blackbeard Radio | enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/CaptainBlackbeard | dark.pe/cbrad |
PornHub | pornhubvybmsymdol4iibwgwtkpwmeyd6luq2gxajgjzfjvotyt5zhyd.onion | dark.pe/phub |
Dread | dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion | dark.pe/dread |
The Hub | thehubpkeu7x6ddq5tc4gali6ldsi4ly6bqlhsid7pztwhbirahu6vqd.onion | dark.pe/thub |
CryptBB | cryptbbtg65gibadeeo2awe3j7s6evg7eklserehqr4w4e2bis5tebid.onion | dark.pe/cryptb |
The Majestic Garden | tmglsd2i7wmkjg2fmc6jhd77yu4ogsjqupsc4jw22ebbfnnwc7swmuqd.onion | dark.pe/tmgar |
Envoy | envoy2vxtsbz63bik33yb6vka2ed4x5leeisfg2isd2gz2eg4skwmbyd.onion | dark.pe/envoy |
NZ Darknet Market Forum | nzdnmfcf2z5pd3vwfyfy3jhwoubv6qnumdglspqhurqnuvr52khatdad.onion | dark.pe/ndmfor |
Torigon | torigonsn3d63cldhr76mkfdzo3tndnl2tftiek55i2vilscufer6ryd.onion | dark.pe/torig |
SuprBay | suprbaydvdcaynfo4dgdzgxb4zuso7rftlil5yg5kqjefnw4wq4ulcad.onion | dark.pe/sbay |
Raddle | c32zjeghcp5tj3kb72pltz56piei66drc63vkhn5yixiyk4cmerrjtid.onion | dark.pe/raddle |
Verified | verified3vr2kdbnza6c3e5ak4z5xmtti4hx36dfg3kbi6pwekztvsqd.onion | dark.pe/verif |
Deutschland im Deep Web | germany2igel45jbmjdipfbzdswjcpjqzqozxt4l33452kzrrda2rbid.onion | dark.pe/didweb |
Cebulka | cebulka7uxchnbpvmqapg5pfos4ngaxglsktzvha7a5rigndghvadeyd.onion | dark.pe/cebul |
NanoChan | nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion | dark.pe/nchan |
Rutor | rutordeepkpafpudl22pbbhzm4llbgncunvgcc66kax55sc4mp4kxcid.onion | dark.pe/rutor |
RAMBLE | rambleeeqrhty6s5jgefdfdtc6tfgg4jj6svr4jpgk4wjtg3qshwbaad.onion | dark.pe/ramble |
KickAss | o3nqszgvtqwcc2mxqcqgeyulkh6spiv6yaahgu7znaphzmikfvpu5aad.onion | dark.pe/kass |
8chan | 4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion | dark.pe/8chan |
XSS.is | xssforumv3isucukbxhdhwz67hoa5e2voakcfkuieq4ch257vsburuid.onion | dark.pe/xssis |
The Tor Project | 2gzyxa5ihm7nsggfxnu52rck2vv4rvmdlkiu3zzui5du4xyclen53wid.onion | dark.pe/ttpro |
OnionShare | lldan5gahapx5k7iafb3s4ikijc4ni7gx5iywdflkba5y2ezyg6sjgyd.onion | dark.pe/oshare |
Feather Wallet | featherdvtpi7ckdbkb2yxjfwx3oyvr3xjz3oo4rszylfzjdg6pbm3id.onion | dark.pe/fwall |
Archive.is | archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtkgmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion/ | dark.pe/archis |
Whonix | www.dds6qkxpwdeubwucdiaord2xgbbeyds25rbsgr73tbfpqpt4a6vjwsyd.onion/ | dark.pe/whonix |
Njal.la | njallalafimoej5i4eg7vlnqjvmb6zhdh27qxcatdn647jtwwwui3nad.onion/ | dark.pe/nijala |
Qubes OS | www.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion/ | dark.pe/qubos |
Impreza Host | imprezareshna326gqgmbdzwmnad2wnjmeowh45bs2buxarh5qummjad.onion/ | dark.pe/ihost |
Mullvad | o54hon2e2vj6c7m3aqqu6uyece65by3vgoxxhlqlsvkmacw6a7m7kiad.onion/ | dark.pe/mull |
Ablative Hosting | hzwjmjimhr7bdmfv2doll4upibt5ojjmpo3pbp5ctwcg37n3hyk7qzid.onion/ | dark.pe/abhos |
KLOS Host | kaizushih5iec2mxohpvbt5uaapqdnbluaasa2cmsrrjtwrbx46cnaid.onion/ | dark.pe/khost |
Cryptostorm | stormwayszuh4juycoy4kwoww5gvcu2c4tdtpkup667pdwe4qenzwayd.onion/ | dark.pe/cstorm |
Keybase | keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion/ | dark.pe/kbase |
Cyptostamps | lgh3eosuqrrtvwx3s4nurujcqrm53ba5vqsbim5k5ntdpo33qkl7buyd.onion/ | dark.pe/cstamp |
ZeroBin | zerobinftagjpeeebbvyzjcqyjpmjvynj5qlexwyxe7l3vqejxnqv5qd.onion/ | dark.pe/zbin |
Antinalysis | pdcdvggsz5vhzbtxqn2rh27qovzga4pnrygya4ossewu64dqh2tvhsyd.onion/ | dark.pe/alysis |
Nitter | npf37k3mtzwxreiw52ccs5ay4e6qt2fkcs2ndieurdyn2cuzzsfyfvid.onion/ | dark.pe/nitter |
Darknet Markets: Latest Insights for 2025
Best darknet market 2025 – Atlas Market. Supports BTC and XMR.
The darknet market ecosystem is evolving rapidly, with a constant influx of new markets and the swift closure of others. This volatility makes it difficult for any single market to achieve long-term dominance.
Post-Hydra Landscape
Following the takedown of Hydra Market in April 2022, previously the largest player in the darknet, several new markets have emerged to seize the opportunity. The five largest markets that have risen to prominence since Hydra’s closure are Mega, Blacksprut, Solaris, Kraken, and OMG!OMG! Market.
Current Market Leaders
As of now, Abacus Market and Nexus Market are considered the best darknet markets, offering vast selections and robust security features. Notably, Incognito Market has ceased operations, leaving a significant gap in the ecosystem.
Cyber Warfare and Market Dynamics
The darknet scene has been marked by intense cyber warfare among these markets. Tactics include DDoS attacks, doxing of administrators, and the spread of disinformation. Notably, DDoS-for-hire groups like Killnet and Deanon Club have targeted markets such as Blacksprut and Mega. In a twist of strategy, some markets have formed alliances, with Solaris reportedly paying Killnet approximately $50,000 to conduct a DDoS attack against a competitor.
The closure of major markets has shifted the behavior of threat actors, leading some to migrate to forums like “RuTor,” decentralized Telegram-based shops, or even offline transactions for products such as narcotics. U.S. government sanctions have further complicated efforts for any market to replicate Hydra’s scale and reputation.
Emergence of New Players
As of March 2024, Abacus Market has emerged as a leading player, boasting over 40,000 products across various illegal categories. It actively attracts users from the recently closed Incognito Market. Other significant markets currently operational include Russian Market (focusing on PII data and fraud-related items), BriansClub, Torzon Market, and Cypher Marketplace. Additionally, new players like Darkmatter and Drughub have entered the scene, further diversifying the market landscape.
Cryptocurrency Trends
The cryptocurrency market is also experiencing significant shifts. Bitcoin is nearing the $100,000 mark, while Monero is gaining traction as a preferred currency for privacy-focused transactions. These trends reflect the changing dynamics within the darknet economy, where anonymity and security are paramount.
Understanding Darknet Markets
Darknet markets operate within the dark web, serving as black markets for illicit goods and services, typically requiring cryptocurrencies for transactions. Accessing these markets usually necessitates specific dark web links and knowledge of tools like the Tor network. While some legal products may be available, the primary focus remains on illegal goods such as drugs, stolen data, and weapons.
Trends and Innovations
The operational landscape for darknet markets is not static. Recent trends include:
Multi-Platform Vendors: Many vendors are now opening shops across multiple markets to broaden their reach and mitigate risks associated with market closures.
Specialization: A growing number of markets specialize in specific areas, such as drugs or credit card data, enhancing quality control and user experience.
Regional Focus: Markets tailored for specific countries or regions are becoming more prevalent. This approach can improve security and offer lower prices due to less competition.
Enhanced Security Features: As user safety becomes paramount, many markets are incorporating advanced security measures, such as multisig transactions and wallet-free payment systems, to protect users from potential scams.

Imagine stepping into a fantastical marketplace where spells and potions abound—only to find that your potion gives you an unexpected tail, or a witch’s spell turns you into a prince only to wear off outside the market. In such a world, vendors and wares vanish in an instant, and return policies are non-existent.
While darknet markets may not be magical, they are equally unpredictable and fraught with danger. Providers can abruptly shut down their platforms, and vendors may lure you into scams that compromise your money or personal information. Understanding how these markets operate is crucial before you venture into them.
What Can You Find on a Darknet Market?
While you won’t find magical items like potions or spells, darknet markets offer a wide array of illegal products. Here are some of the most common categories:
- Illicit Drugs: From recreational to prescription medications, these markets cater to a variety of drug preferences, including cannabis, psychedelics, and stimulants. Many markets focus exclusively on drug sales due to their high profitability.
- Fraud-Related Products: If you’re in search of credit card details, bank information, or other personal financial data, darknet markets are the go-to places. Specialized shops offer a range of fraudulent items, including credit card information and login credentials.
- Malware and Software: This category includes malicious software designed to compromise devices or websites, such as exploits and botnets.
- Counterfeit Goods: Here, you can find a variety of knock-off products, including watches, jewelry, and clothing brands.
- Services: This broad category includes various services, from creating fake documents to hacking and crypto-mixing.
The “Forbidden Fruits” of the Darknet Marketplaces
While the dark web serves multiple purposes, darknet markets are primarily business-oriented, aiming for profit. Successful markets not only attract new customers but also retain existing ones by building trust and adhering to certain standards. While many darknet markets avoid controversial offerings to maintain their reputations, some rules are bent. Typically, you won’t find:
- Murder-for-hire services or any form of harm against living beings
- Child pornography
- Weapons and explosives
- Fentanyl or similar substances
However, exceptions exist, as seen with markets like Invictus, which allow the sale of weapons and ammunition that are banned elsewhere.
How to Buy Illicit Goods on a Darknet Market
Purchasing items on darknet markets may seem similar to mainstream platforms like eBay, but the processes differ significantly due to the need for enhanced security and anonymity. Here’s how it typically works:
Registration & Communication
Registration is designed to be completely anonymous. Users generally need only a username, password, and captcha. Some sites may request a PIN for added security, but personal information is not required.
Encrypting your communications is essential when navigating the dark web, especially when purchasing illegal items. Many darknet markets offer a Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public key for encrypting messages, which you should utilize for added security.
Payment Process
Darknet markets use an escrow system and cryptocurrencies to ensure anonymity and security for all parties involved. Here’s a breakdown of the payment process:
- Convert Currency: Before placing an order, you need to convert your funds into the required cryptocurrency, typically Bitcoin or Monero, through a traditional wallet.
- Place Order: Once you place your order, the payment is held in escrow until you confirm the transaction’s completion.
- Release Funds: The vendor receives the payment only after you finalize the order.
For those seeking faster or safer transactions, some features include:
- Finalize Early (FE): This option allows you to send money directly to the vendor, speeding up the process but increasing the risk of scams. Most markets restrict this feature to reputable vendors.
- Multisig: This functionality helps resolve disputes efficiently by requiring multiple signatures to authorize transactions.
- Wallet-Free Payment: Using this feature eliminates the need for an in-built e-wallet, reducing the risk of losing funds.
Navigating darknet markets requires a clear understanding of their operations and associated risks. Knowledge and caution are your best allies in this unpredictable realm.

Retrieved from the UNODC’s report on the Darknet Cybercrime Threats to Southeast Asia, 2020.
You can receive the digital goods and services online, but some shipments, like drug deliveries, are conducted through the old-fashioned postal system. It is important to remember that when you write down your shipping address, it can be any location that is convenient for you, it doesn’t have to be your home address.
Tor Market Links
You can’t access dark net markets via traditional means, such as search engines or commonly used software. Tor (short for onion router) browser is one of the most simple and user-friendly solutions available. You can use it to surf both the clearnet and the darknet, remaining completely anonymous, as the traffic automatically routes through the Tor network. However, you’ll still need a special onion link to open the darknet market.

Retrieved from Filiol, E., Delong, M. & Nicolas, J. Statistical and combinatorial analysis of the TOR routing protocol.
What’s an Onion Link?
You might have noticed that all the links from the list of the best darknet markets have an .onion extension. This means that they are visible in the Tor browser, but can’t be opened anywhere else. This guarantees that your visit to the market will be totally private. Tor software offers both desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) & mobile solutions (Android application), which means that you can go shopping anywhere, anytime.
Security Recommendations
Many darknet users, especially those who choose to manage a darknet marketplace, have experience in cybersecurity. Yet, you shouldn’t refrain from buying what you need just because you’re not a member of a hacker group. But you should also keep in mind that the website you’ve accessed is a market built specifically for accommodating the illegal deals. Here are some tips that might help you to not get caught or scammed:
- Go to the settings of your Tor browser and disable the JavaScript by turning your security level to “Safest”.
- Turn on the VPN service for additional privacy protection.
- Apply 2-factor authentication (2FA) with PGP encryption if available because on some platforms only vendors are allowed to use it.
- If the site has a “Verify link” page, use it, it’s an instrument for the phishing protection. Yet, remember that the best phishing protection is your common sense.
- Keep your darknet and everyday activities separated, don’t use Tor for casual browsing.
- Your username, password, or PIN should be random and show no personal connection with you.
- Keep all the important information somewhere only you can access.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for advice on the market’s internal forum, but think twice before taking it.
- Be an upstanding customer. Some markets reward the most loyal and active users with custom domains.
Feature/Statistic | Details |
Number of Active Markets | Approximately 40 (as of late 2024) |
Top Markets | Abacus Market, Nexus Market, Mega, Kraken |
Average Product Listings | 30,000 – 50,000 per major market |
Primary Currencies Used | Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum |
Escrow Systems | Commonly used to protect transactions |
User Anonymity Tools | Tor Browser, VPN, PGP Encryption |
Common Product Categories | Drugs, Fraud Data, Malware, Forgeries, Services |
Market Lifespan | Average 1-2 years (many are short-lived) |
Typical User Demographics | Tech-savvy individuals, hackers, and cybercriminals |
Average Transaction Volume | $100 – $1,000 per transaction |
Security Features | Multisig, 2FA, User Ratings |
Market Closure Rate | Approximately 30% per year |
Estimated Annual Revenue | $1.5 billion in illicit goods sold |